tisdag 12 februari 2008


I afton har jag sett på "Rounders - det sista spelet". Jag vet inte hur många gånger jag kommer kunna se den filmen utan att tröttna. Troligtvis bra många gånger till :D

Anledningen till jag såg den ikväll var att imorgon på engelskan ska vi i små grupper muntligt presentera en film som har betytt mycket för en själv och då var det självklara valet för mig Rounders. En sak som jag älskar med filmen, bland många är de otroligt sköna dialogerna i filmen. Sen är ju även vissa citat helt underbara. Här kommer några exempel:

Mike: Here's the thing. If you can't spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, then you ARE the sucker.

Mike: It's immoral to let a sucker keep his money.

Mike: It's like the nature channel... you don't see Piranhas eating themselves, do you?

[His girlfriend says they don't have time for sex now]
Mike: I'll be really quick. You won't feel a thing.

Worm: She's really got him by the balls.
Petra: That's not so bad, is it?
Worm: It depends on the grip!

Mike: I've often seen these people, these squares at the table, short stack and long odds against them. All their outs gone. One last card in the deck that can help them. I used to wonder how they could let themselves get into such bad shape, and how the hell they thought they could turn it around.

Mike: Uh, you know what? I got my five grand here. That's just fine by me. I'm going home.
Teddy KGB: Fine. It's a fucking joke anyway. After all, I am paying you with your money.
Mike: What did you say?
Teddy KGB: Your money... I am still up grand... from this last time I stick it in you.
Mike: [Narrating] They're trying to goad me, trying to own me. But this isn't a gunfight. It's not about pride or ego. It's only about money. I can leave now, even with Grama and KGB... and halfway to paying Petrovsky back. That's the safe play. I told Worm you can't lose what you don't put in the middle. But you can't win much either.

Teddy KGB: In my club, I will splash the pot whenever the fuck I please.

Mike: I want him to think that I am pondering a call, but all I'm really thinkin about it Vegas and the fuckin' Mirage

Teddy KGB: Nyet! Nyet! No More! No! Not tonight! This son of bitch, all night he, "Check. Check. Check." He trap me!

Så bra! :D

Damien Rice - 9 Crimes

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